Walter Munk Foundation for the Oceans
Celebrating Walter’s 103rd birthday and the Dedication of THE MAP!
La Jolla Shores is both an ecological haven and a magnet for tourists from around the world. The challenge of maintaining its natural beauty whilst serving millions of visitors every year can only be met through strong community support. With your help, we can make sure that La Jolla Shores is enjoyed as much by future generations as it is today. We have achieved a lot through generous donations of time, skills, and funds – but there is still more to do!
We are currently working with The Friends of La Jolla Shores & Litho Mosaic to create this amazing map for the people of San Diego.
Our program is diverse – including landscaping, building playgrounds and restrooms, and developing educational materials. Our supporters range from eagle scouts to community leaders – anyone with an interest in our beaches and oceans.
#WalterMunk #AltaSea #Scripps #ScubaDiving #Whale #Mosaic #Dolphin #garibaldi #surf #seal #SanDiego #california #Ocean #LaJolla #seaturtles #Beach #SDMruals #lajollashores #SD #Sea #Murals #lithomosaics #scrippspier #LaJollaCove #MeetMeAtTheMap #TheMap #WalterMunkFoundation